Thursday, July 1, 2010

What would a mermaid do?

What do you do when it is raining cats and dogs, there is no way to do the shoot you had planned and you have a team of 10 people huddled in a small log cabin? Enter the awesome Lara Paxton, who often swings from a trapeze/anchor in a fantastic mermaid costume. What to do? Better...what would a mermaid do? After some brainstorming and a run to the nearest grocery store we came out with this concept. The framed
seashell is a nice touch. I think Melissa came up with it. Shot with a simple speedlite and a diffuser hold by the assistant high at camera left. MUA and hair Amanda Johnson. I call it my 'unwanted child', but I learned to like this image and it is now part of my portfolio to show to the creative types. The second image is just for fun and it shows our fairy tales trio while relaxing..hi Chance and Kristin!

1 comment:

Tiffany Rose Parente Connors said...

I never really looked at this image before, but I really like it. The burnt out/nostalgic/dissatisfied mermaid is every person. Good storytelling.