Friday, September 26, 2014

Oh magical Teapot grant me a wish.

Like a magic lamp, this (magical?) japanese iron teapot sits on a pile of black sand. This is a portfolio shot I did some time ago. Softbox from above, if slightly behind. Ringflash for fill and f2.8. The reflections on the handle come from the softbox and a few cards. I accentuated the nice turquoise hue in post.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Flash Jump.

Import/Export is a Seattle band that put me in charge of moving their image  'past the classic shot of musicians in alley'. The band and I  shared a love for the  documentaries of the explorer ship Calypso (which features in one of their songs).  We tossed ideas back and forth over a couple of sessions  and we decided  that a key concept was to add movement to the image.  The rain laden sky would provide a sense of  `unfamiliar' and `being away'.  The main image was obtained superimposing two shots and having the musicians jump on a little portable trampoline  (got the idea from a Dior shoot). The trampolines were removed in post and then the image was colored. Shot with  a softbox to the right and a ringflash as fill. f4.0/1/125/17mm/ISO160. This is the first time I used this set up in the field!

And the dog? Si the Dog, just literally walked by the set, on a  jog with his owner. Never say never to a free prop.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Annie Ford Band. And that chicken.

Annie Ford Band is a great group of  Seattle based musicians.  We shot this last Summer, with
a simple backlight sunset setting + soflighter setup. My valiant assistant doubled as chicken wrangler. Here is the link to the Annie's last CD: